Tips Needed On Growing Hair Fast!


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Jan 26, 2013

Orla G.

I've been trying to grow my hair for two years and its taking so long, any good tips for growing your hair fast? or homemade remedies?

Jan 26, 2013

Sukanya R.

Try oiling ur hair... It works well. Experiment with different oils, such as coconut oil or almond oil.. If possible, add hibiscus extracts to coconut oil, it works wonderfully! Keep it overnight n wash ur hair the next day.

Jan 26, 2013

Ruby H.

vitamins and scalp masaages to get blood flowing in the follicles. best thing is just use as little heat on it and only style when necassary

Jan 26, 2013

Olivia B.

Regular baby trims to nip the split ends before they get bad and the hair starts breaking! I give some of my clients $10 clean ups that don't take off any length but just dust the very ends of their hair before split ends can get out of hand 

Jan 26, 2013

Analissa H.

lots of vitamins mostly biotin:).

Jan 26, 2013

Rizzelle Anne Q.

get a haircut that makes your hair look long. some people look good in long hair some look best in haircuts that make their hair appear longer
massage hair
eat right, no McDonald's
trim 1 -3 centimeters off
limit hot tools to once or twice a week
let your hair breathe (limit tight buns)
don't think about it so much
work it what you got and pretty soon your hair is long

Jan 26, 2013

Bethany W.

Coconut oil helps :)

Jan 26, 2013

Hup A.

cayenne pepper with apple cider vinegar, massage into scalp and hang your head over your couch. A bit odd but it works..also treat your hair with organic coconut oil.

Jan 26, 2013

Kitty W.

trim your hair often, eat superfoods such as blueberries :)

Jan 26, 2013

Anastasia K.

what I avoid anything heated on my hair..avoid trims/haircuts and every second time you wash you hair mix and egg and put it in your hair for about 15 minutes then wash well! it keeps your hair shiny healthy protected and also gets your hair to grow faster :3 

Jan 26, 2013

Orla G.

thanks girls!

Jan 26, 2013

Ashley A.

Biotin pills, message ur head everybight, eat a healthy diet and lotsssss of water

Jan 26, 2013

Isabel R.

Try taking supplements! I only use heat on my hair 1-3 times a month if not less. My hair grows super fast without heat. I don't condition the top of my head often either. Carry around a small pair of scissors in your bag & snip em when your bored!

Jan 26, 2013

Alan S.

try perfectil vitabiotics

Jan 26, 2013

Chelsea S.

mane'n'tail and morrocan argan oil

Jan 27, 2013

Bebo A.

Rub in a bit of castor oil into ur scalp, leave it for 15-20 mins then shower! 

Jan 28, 2013

Sarah K.

Mix coconut oil with 2-3 drops of peppermint oil (no more) and massage into hair/scalp. The peppermint oil will make your scalp tingle as it increases blood circulation which will assist growth. Don't apply peppermint oil directly on your scalp though, it will burn! 

Jan 28, 2013

Sarah K.

Mix coconut oil with 2-3 drops of peppermint oil (no more) and massage into hair/scalp. The peppermint oil will make your scalp tingle as it increases blood circulation which will assist growth. Don't apply peppermint oil directly on your scalp though, it will burn!