Articles by Stella Rose S.'s (stellarose) | Page 5
What The Pluck: An Ode To Tweezers
The tweezer is everyone’s favorite beauty tool
- 352
Beauty Vs Brains Vs Barbie
What Barbie’s “I can be a Computer Engineer” says about the way we value beauty
- 306
Weird Finds: Kabuki Spa Masks From Japan
The weirdest (and most fun) at-home facial we’ve seen!
Peep Show: The Pinky-Nude Lipstick Review
The not-so-naked lipstick shade you need to try now.
From the Shop
- 583
Highlighter Tricks With Kirsten Kjaer Weis
These 4 tips will be the highlight of your day
Halloween Looks
- 471
The Terrifying Talents Of Lex Of Made U Look
Making monsters is just one of the talents of this entrepreneurial young vlogger.
Halloween Looks
- 451
Lady Gray: Grayscale Makeup You Can Master!
Halloween revelers will be doing double takes once you master this eye popping makeup effect
Tips & Tricks
- 4302
Erase Those Eyebrows: Brow Coverage 101
Erase those eyebrows with this classic drag trick (and a secret product that may surprise you!)