Studio Finish SPF 35 Concealer


Alexis B.
perfect for blemishes and scars

This concealer is perfect for blemishes and acne scars. It's a full coverage concealer, I've been using the same pot of concealer for about 3 months now and it's still full, I haven't even hit pan on it yet! And I'm the type of girl that wears a full face of makeup daily. I "beat that face" and without this, it wouldn't be as flawless! I'm posting a Foundation Routine very soon on my Youtube... it's xenergysmashx

Esperanza C.
Full coverage and SPF!!!

Love this concealer! It is perfect for those imperfections you want to get rid of and it has SPF which is a plus! However I do find it is a bit thick for my dark circles so I do have to use a different concealer for that. Other than that I love it!