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Jan 20, 2014

Shelley W.

Just checking in on you. I don't know if you saw my response on my profile.

Jan 3, 2014

Shelley W.

Ok, sorry for the late response. For the Aztec mask what you will need is a plastic bowl and spoon. You do not want to use anything metal. Take about 1/3 of a cup of the clay mask powder into the bowl, shake up the apple cider vinegar and pour in small increments till you have the consistency of paste. Smooth out any lumps with the back of the spoon. You don't want the consistency to be too watery or too thick. You will hear and see it bubbling up. Don't worry...its not bad. Before application make sure you apply to freshly washed skin. Its going to get a little messy so be sure you lay down a towel in case you drop on the floor or countertop. Apply in thick layers over the face...avoiding the eye area. Shortly after application you will feel a tingling sensation followed by extreme tightening of the skin as it drys up. Since this is your first time with this mask I advise only keeping this on for 15 minutes. I built my skin up to keep it on for 30 max but this is some powerful stuff as it literally pulls the junk out of your pores. You will feel extreme tightness of your the point where its a challenge to speak. After 15 minutes comes removal. Using warm water and a face towel ( use one that you don't care about as removal is messy) gentle splash the warm water over your face and press the wet towel over the mask to help further loosen it up. Once removed you will notice that your skin is looking flushed...a blotchy red. Since your skin has experienced a "purge" so to speak it has also taken moisture along with it so you will need to inject it with a rich moisturizer. One that contains zero active ingredients. A very basic moisturizer. It takes a couple of hours for the redness to calm down and by morning you will see a huge difference in texture of skin and pores. It took about three applications for me to see a huge reduction in blackheads/acne. Especially with the blackheads because then they were easy to push out of the skin manually. I must mention that this mask should not be used on a daily basis. The moisturizer that I use after removing this mask is Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask...don't let the name confuse you...its not really a mask per se but merely an oil free intensive moisturizer that doesn't contain a fragrance or active ingredients.

Dec 30, 2013

Shelley W.

Let me know when the mask comes in so I can give ya some pointers. Be sure to pick up some apple cider vinegar (organic) to mix it with. Along with a plastic bowl and spoon to mix. :)

Natalie R.

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