Beauty Product Reviews
This product this amazing! I recently worked as a Christmas Temp for Benefit and this was one of my favourite products! They have alternative highlighters in liquid form but I prefer this one as it is a stick highlighter so it is easier to use on the skin and you can jut smooth it on. It looks amazing and suits any skin tones! I really do recommend it and it lasts years!
I recently worked for Benefit Cosmetics as a Christmas Temp and thought this Mascara was fab! I immediately went out and bought it! The Mascara itself is a gel and contains no fibres therefore it does not clump and is suitable for people with sensitive skin and eyes! The Brush is plastic which also presents it from clumping and has bristles right in the end which helps to reach all the little hairs. It really does lengthen and add volume however the only downfall is that it seems to run out fairly quickly!