Well I'm not a professional by any means! My love for makeup came about when I started reading fashion and beauty magazines as a teenager/pre-teen?. I realized a lot of them had all the same info and would constantly repeat themselves. I would wake up at 5am to do my makeup before school, meticulously lining my eyes and blending blending blending until it was perfect! My friends at school would ask me to do their makeup and since then I've been getting similar requests! I just never got into doing make up professionally. I wish I could! I know I'd love it.
I pretty much just love make up as a hobby right now, and I really want to start getting more adventurous and creative with it even though I have a pretty classic/retro style.
Jun 22, 2011
heartlee H.
Happy belated birthday Tara!
I love NJ! It's real here and people are actually really nice if you give them a chance?!
Jun 22, 2011
Tara G.
Jun 22, 2011
heartlee H.