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Jul 20, 2017

April R.

I'm a tanning advocate, I use only Hawaiian Tropic, start with 30 I always use 50 on face shoulders and chest 30 for body for day 1 be sure to reapply every 30 minutes , the next day use 15 on body the put coconut oil on top but not on face and chest. You should see some color

Jul 20, 2017

April R.

I'm a tanning advocate, I use only Hawaiian Tropic, start with 30 I always use 50 on face shoulders and chest 30 for body for day 1 be sure to reapply every 30 minutes , the next day use 15 on body the put coconut oil on top but not on face and chest. You should see some color

Nov 7, 2013

Jeylin W.

Thanks for your help on my question! and your so pretty.

Oct 25, 2013

Katherine T.

Thank you skyler! And exactly!

Oct 23, 2013

Skyler P.

I liked what you said on that thread concering the pregnant girl. you go girl! there is no such thing as safe sex. and if people are too young they shouldn't even be thinking about doing ir.

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Katherine T.

Location: 🇺🇸 United States of America 🇺🇸

mind over matter

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cross country & track runner at heart 💘 fashion lover , makeup lover , and kitty lover 🎀💄🐱😂

Eye Color: Gray
Complexion: Fair
Undertone: Cool
Skin Type: Combination, Oily, Sensitive
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Texture: Fine


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