Rose W.'s Articles Liked
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Nail Art Superstar: Nikki Price of Attitude Nails
Two short years ago, Londoner Nikki Price was just another admirer of nail art. Today, under the moniker Attitude Nails, she’s creating some of the most impressive art-, music-, and fashion-inspired manis in the business.
Special Features
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Turn Your Failed-Relationship Jewelry into a Makeup Shopping Spree
Best idea ever! In celebration of Valentine’s Day, our writer took jewelry from former flames to the pawn shop, made some cash, and gave herself a beauty shopping spree.
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Trend: Rainbow Eyes
This fall, the trends dictate that your wardrobe should be filled with color. But if you prefer to wear black and neutral clothes, why not let your eyes do the talking? Pretty, rainbow eye shadow is a great way to experiment with bright hues, and makes a fun look for Halloween! You can dress up as a mermaid, bird of paradise, or even Rainbow Brite!
Pretty In Pink: The Violet-Pink Lipstick Review
We’re all for pink lipsticks, from hot fuschias to baby-blushes. These lilac-toned shades fall somewhere in between, and make a major statement!