Shaniqa D.'s Articles Liked | Page 5
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Beauty Tips From Alicia and Rihanna's Makeup Artist
Working with clients like Alicia Keys, Queen Latifah, and Rihanna, celebrity makeup artist Ashunta Sheriff is a red carpet beauty expert. Here, Ashunta shares her makeup tips on everything from applying false lashes to looking good in the spotlight.
Tips & Tricks
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Get Hair Like Edward and Bella
Twilight lead hairstylist Beatrice De Alba teamed up with PRO Beauty Tools to create limited edition, Twilight-inspired styilng tools. That's right Beauties, you can get the same curls, waves, and crimps as those gorgeous silver-screen vamps.
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Which Brow Shape Is Most Flattering?
Stumped on how to shape your brows? We spoke with Hollywood brow goddess Anastasia Soare about the easiest brow-shaping techniques.
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What Shampoo is Right For You?
The shampoo you use has more of an effect on your hair than you may realize. It can cause product buildup, lack of shine, and even give you more split ends! We spoke with some experts about which shampoos are best and the proper way to wash your hair.
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Scar Care That Really Works
Want to get rid of your scars, or at least make them less noticeable? We spoke with a dermatologist to find out which creams work to minimize the appearance of scars, and how to prevent fresh ones from developing.
Expert Advice
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4 Surprising Curly Hair Myths
Beauties, do you struggle with your spirals? Keep reading to find out the proper way to care for your coils as curly-hair guru Lorraine Massey debunks the top wavy-mane falsehoods.
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What You Need to Know About Blow-Dryers
Want to buy a new blow-dryer but feeling confused by all the information about voltage, watts, horsepower, and different special features (Ferrari engines?). We spoke with some experts about what each term means and what you really need to look for when purchasing a blow-dryer.
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DIY Hair Care From Your Pantry!
Can't afford the fancy treatments that your hairdresser is offering at the salon? Plenty of at-home remedies work just as well—all you need is a little know-how! We spoke with an expert to find out which pantry products you can use on your hair.
Expert Advice
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What's Your Ideal Hair Color?
Are you dumbfounded when it comes to hair color? Learn insightful tips, tricks, and trends from Clairol color director and celebrity colorist Marie Robinson!
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Five Memory-Boosting Foods
No one likes to forget an important date or meeting, but did you know that what you eat can affect your memory? Foods such as anchovies, olive oil, and cinnamon don't just taste nice in a Caesar salad or apple pie, but can help you remember important names and dates! Keep reading to find out all five.