Beauty Product Reviews


I only bought this a week ago and used it twice, beifre I bought it I had disgustingly chappy and flaky lips and now my lips are spectacular !! its very cheap and I use all the time now... I'd say its definitely worth it :)


I actually got it for my mum for Christmas and I use it all the time.. I love it so much it has such a unique smell and people notice it around me all the time!! I just love it.. GREAT BUY !!!!

Its not the best

I got it for Christmas a while back and I thought it was really good at first but I soon realised it was quite clumpy and not very volumising :) as I said, not the best buy tbh

Good :)

It keeps your makeup on for a while but after that it sort of fades, I'd recommend putting on primers before and then it really works ! I really like it though..

I LOVE IT!! It keeps the eyeshadow on for so long and it really has a nice tone for our eyes , also the other tones are really pretty but this one is best in my opinion :)