Dana E.'s Articles Liked

  • Cut the Cost on Beauty

    Cut the Cost on Beauty

    As with most things in life, thinking a little harder and smarter can save you time as well as money. There are plenty of tips and tricks for spending less on beauty products and treatments—you just need to know where to look!

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  • Easy Beauty Fix-Its

    Easy Beauty Fix-Its

    There are some things in life that your mother may never have told you, but she should have. Like what necessities to keep in your handbag, and how to learn to walk in heels. Luckily, we've put together a list of must-know beauty (and life!) tips and practices.

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  • Stop Popping Your Pimples!

    Stop Popping Your Pimples!

    Do you pick on your skin more than you'd like? Discover three ways to hide those twitchy fingers and cut the urge to pop and purge for good.

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