Cartiya M.'s Articles Liked
outFit with Kit
- 403
outFit With Kit: Sitting Fit
Sick of sitting at your desk with a roll over your jeans? Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich has a few healthy tips to get you motivated even while at the office.
outFit with Kit
- 3240
Text Book Fit
Grab your old books, stack them up high, and get ready for a cardio blasting whirlwind of a routine!!
- 3175
3 Moves To Tame Those Outer Thighs
Give your thighs some lovin' attention to prep for summer short shorts! Grab a band, take a few minutes out of your day, and work it!
- 5700
Attack of the Love Handles
This is a great routine to attack those pesky love handles!!
outFit with Kit
- 2548
Park Bench Workout Routine
Grab your tennis shoes and find a picnic table or park bench! This fast, cardio routine works your legs, booty, abs and arms.
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Dr. Bad Jen’s Atomic Cosmetics
A mad scientist with a love for glitter takes on the makeup industry with her own line of superpowered products.
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Makeup as Art: Does Your Family Get Your Self-Expression?
Are you constantly plagued by negative remarks from your loved ones for your unique and creative choices? Community Manager Jasmine reveals her plight with self-expression through makeup.
Photo Call
- 3680
New Year, New You: 5 Beauty Ideas to Try in 2013!
Use 2013 as an excuse to try a fresh new look!
From the Archive
- 11501
Quick Routine to Tone and Tighten the Legs
Less than 10 minutes and your legs will feel this one for sure. Try this routine by fitness expert, Kit Rich.