Beauty Product Reviews


I was hesitant to buy gel eyeliners thinking they were a mess to use and hard to remove. Good thing I was able to convince myself in buying this product. The black gel eyeliner has a bold color. The packaging looks sturdy and elegant. The brush I didn't like too much. It works but it could have been better. I swatched this on the back of my hands, washed it with soap and water and it was still there. Totally smudge and water proof! But it comes off easily with makeup remover. I will definitely repurchase!

Got 2 of these at the price of one. I love it!

I have this in 003 and it's perfect for my skin tone. It brightens up my eye area. It creases a little though. Also, I didn't like the twisting packaging. It's such a hassle to use. I was lucky to join the promo of buying two for the price of one. My HG concealer. I will be buying again soon.

Amazing product

I think this small bottle is a bit too overpriced. However, I loved it so much that I'll just ignore the price tag. Mine is in black brown. This liquid liner is easy to use because of its felt tip. The color is opaque and not shiny like other liquid eyeliners. It is also long lasting unless you have oily lids.

I have warm skin and I got this Natural Beige. Natural Beige has pink undertones. I like the idea of the pump because it is hygienic but I didn't like this one because it has shimmers. The coverage is okay. Wouldn't wear this everyday.

Bad pigmentation with lighter colors

The two lightest shades were barely visible on my skin. I got this in butternut. When I apply the first shade, it was merely shimmer. No color at all. The second one wasn't true to the color and was again sheer. The third and fourth colors were okay but a tad too dark for my complexion.

Okay brush

It applies my powder and blush well before. It was good considering that I am a beginner and it's cheap and works fine. It was good until I washed it. It sheds and got so soft that it's hard to pick up some color.

Streaks like crazy

The bristles are not flexible. Leaves so many streaks. I prefer using my hands instead of using this horrible brush. It is made of synthetic bristles, doesn't bleed or shed, and it doesn't work

Hyped up product that actually works!

I have short lashes and this one works wonderfully on them. It doesn't clump, separates, and looks natural. Perfect for a daytime mascara! It doesn't make my lashes super dark but I like them that way. The downside is it isn't waterproof. I know a waterproof one is available although the formula may be a bit different. My HG mascara.

Not so great pigmentation

I have a quad of this. Cinnamon, Honey Drop, Copper Penny, and Ivory Box. Ivory Box and Honey Drop barely showed up on my skin. Copper Penny and Honey Drop are much more pigmented. The texture of these eyeshadows are not chalky and the shimmer is just right.

Pretty color

I got MAC Beauty Powder in Alpha Girl (part of the flower collection) as a gift. It is this beautiful light pink color. Perfect for the cheeks. Too bad it isn't pigmented. I tried rubbing my fingers really hard on the compact but the color just won't show. You have to really load up your brush for the color to be visible.

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