Kat I.'s Articles Liked
- 520
Maria Malone: Makeup Illusionist
This Irish-born artist just upped the game on face painting and FX makeup.
Product Spotlight
- 1104
The Face Exfoliator That Really, Really Works
Koh Gen Do’s Soft Gommage Gel has changed this editor’s skin for the better. Here’s why she loves it and won’t use anything else.
- 1015
How to Tightline Eyes and Curl Lashes in One Step!
The quickie foolproof liner-and-lash technique that you’ve got to try, demonstrated by everyone’s favorite master of simple makeup tricks—Wayne Goss.
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Soothe Inflamed Skin and Detoxify the Body with One Delicious Herb
Cilantro can be used as a cooling face mask, to help treat blemishes, and to brighten a variety of foods—everything from salads to juices to guacamole!
Counter Confidential
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Counter Confidential: Beauty School Dropout
Still deciding if makeup school is the right path for you? We’ll help you think it over.
Dermatologist Shares Her DIY Skin Care Recipes
"The Doctors" dermatologist Ava Shamban, M.D., shares her top all-natural DIY skin care recipes. Keep reading for easy at-home complexion cures—from potatoes to yogurt!
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Would You Fill Your Wrinkles With Blood?
A cosmetic wrinkle filler that uses your own blood? Keep reading to discover why this organic injectable is the next big thing in beauty.
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The Best DIY Facial Ever
Sheet masks may look a little Casper-meets-Hannibal Lecter, but this Eastern beauty secret is now popular in the West! See how the latest fabric facials can help you achieve flawless skin.
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3 Minutes and a 2 Pound Weight Can Get You 1 Banging Body
Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich shows you how to pump heavy iron with little weight.
Makeup Makers
- 396
Meet Lime Crime's Doe Deere, Beauty’s Unicorn Queen
Advice from the creator of today’s most fantastical cosmetics line.