Rosa M.'s Articles Liked | Page 14
Tips & Tricks
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Naughty or Nice Beauty Checklist
Time's up! You've had all year to banish your bad beauty habits, now are you ready for the ultimate test? Keep reading to see if you made the naughty or nice beauty list this season.
3 Ways to Detox Your Skin After the Holidays
Take it from Dr. Ava Shamban—your skin needs a little TLC after the holidays.
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Beautylish Staffers Share Their 2013 Discoveries and 2014 Resolutions
Can you believe 2013 is over?! To celebrate, we’ve compiled the best products and tips we’ve discovered this year—and our beauty resolutions for 2014.
Tips & Tricks
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Prep Your Body for Flu Season
Supplements, sleep, and hygiene all help your body avoid the flu, but did you ever think about the impact of your beauty routine during this season? Hygienic makeup practices are important year-round, but remember these guidelines to keep your body and your beauty routine extra healthy this time of the year.
From the Archive
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Beauty Detox: Winter Bisque
Love to warm up on a chilly day with a hot cup of soup? Try a bisque! This week celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder gives us a bisque recipe based on squash, a vegetable that’s high in beta-carotene (a great source of vitamin A), so you’ll feel full and know you’re getting your vitamins!
From the Archive
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Get Rid of Flaky Skin for Good
During winter, you want to feel snowflakes, not skin flakes! Learn how to get rid of dry, flaky skin for good with Hollywood facialist Kate Somerville.
From the Archive
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Pamper Your Own Feet
When the Winter ice finally begins to thaw and the Spring sun is shining, open-toed shoes will be a must in your wardrobe. To get your feet ready for sandal season, here are some tips on how to pamper your peds at home, before you turn in for the night!
Taking Hair Conditioning to the Next Level
Fight dull winter hair with these superhero hair masks.
From the Archive
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Benefits Of Cold-Pressed Juices
A great way to get all your vitamins and nutrients for the day is whipping up a fresh, vegetable and fruit juice in the morning. We chat with Calvin Moore of Organic Avenue, the ultra-healthy New York City juice boutique, about the benefits of cold-pressed juices.