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Jul 23, 2013

Angela M.

Thanks Natasha!! :)

Jul 20, 2013

Axita S.

Thankyou so much for folwng doll! I folwed bck! :))

Jul 19, 2013

Angela M.

Thanks!! I was wondering if you knew how to edit your "about" in the profile on your phone? Or if you knew how to put something in the grey box right under the profile pic?? I'm so lost lol.

Jul 18, 2013

Angela M.

Thanks! :)

Jul 18, 2013

Jareka B.

Thanks for following hun.

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Angela M.

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About Me

Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Light
Undertone: Neutral
Skin Type: Oily
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Oily
Birthday: March 15
Age: 30