Kira W.'s Articles Liked | Page 9
Tips & Tricks
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DIY Beauty: Make Your Own Lip Balm
Got a bunch of near-empty lipsticks that you don’t know what to do with? Try making your own lip balm! Keep reading to find out how to do it.
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DIY Edible Beauty Remedies
Whether you have dry hair or need a way to get those dead skin cells off your lips, there are ingredients in your kitchen that can help! These Beauties share their homemade recipes.
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DIY Apple Beauty Recipes
Imagine a freshly baked apple pie, fields of brightly colored orchards, and the crisp crunch of a Granny Smith—we just love apples in the fall! While they're mostly used for food, apples also have an interesting history in beauty, skin care, and health. Learn about the history of apples in beauty and check out three must-try DIY apple recipes!
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What To Eat for a Whiter, Brighter Smile
Looking for a fast and cheap way to keep your teeth pearly white? You’re in luck! Beautylish rounded up easy au naturel treatments you can try at home.
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DIY Garlic Beauty Recipes
When you’re not using garlic to fight off vampires this month, you can incorporate it into your beauty regimen. Here are some of our favorite recipes for keeping your complexion clear and fang-free.
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DIY Pumpkin Beauty Recipe
While pumpkins smell and taste delicious at the Thanksgiving table, they're even more effective as a natural skin care ingredient.
Dermatologist Shares Her DIY Skin Care Recipes
"The Doctors" dermatologist Ava Shamban, M.D., shares her top all-natural DIY skin care recipes. Keep reading for easy at-home complexion cures—from potatoes to yogurt!
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How To Do a Sock Bun
Ready, set, roll! Keep reading for a step-by-step breakdown how to do a DIY sock bun.
Nail Tools
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DIY Nail Art Tools From Around Your House
We’ve scoured the pantry and the craft bin for our favorite gadgets and gizmos, and discovered that they lead double lives in the world of nail art.
Nail Techniques
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The Essential DIY Summer Spa Pedicure
How do you recreate the fancy baths and treatments so coveted at the nail salon? Read up on these DIY foot spa basics and learn how easy it is to recreate at home!