Maii Y.'s Articles Liked
- 947
How to Treat Keratosis Pilaris (Those Scaly Red Bumps On Your Upper Arms!)
Keratosis pilaris is a harmless skin condition which results in rough, scaly patches, often on the upper arms. We spoke with a dermatologist about what causes it and how to treat it.
- 534
Say “Be My Valentine” with a DIY Beauty Kit
These thoughtful, easy-to-assemble beauty kits make perfect gifts for any one of your Valentines.
outFit with Kit
- 1058
The No-Excuses, Anytime, Anywhere Workout
Celebrity trainer Astrid McGuire shares four anytime-anywhere exercises. All you need is a set of 5-lb. dumbbells.
- 6314
How to Contour: The Basics
On some level, all makeup applications involve contouring. And while the technique can seem intimidating, all it takes is a little practice and getting to know what works for you. With our guide, and you'll be ready to go forth and contour!
Makeup Tutorials
- 2535
Punk’s Not Dead: Punker Eyeliner
Get Today’s Dramatic Liquid Liner Look with this New Must Have Product
From the Archive
- 11501
Quick Routine to Tone and Tighten the Legs
Less than 10 minutes and your legs will feel this one for sure. Try this routine by fitness expert, Kit Rich.
Nail Tools
- 2216
DIY Nail Art Tools From Around Your House
We’ve scoured the pantry and the craft bin for our favorite gadgets and gizmos, and discovered that they lead double lives in the world of nail art.
- 8624
How To Do a Sock Bun
Ready, set, roll! Keep reading for a step-by-step breakdown how to do a DIY sock bun.
- 6593
Makeup Meets Color Theory
Are you creatively blocked when it comes to color? If you find yourself choosing a neutral palette day after day, it’s time to break out your box of colors! But if you’re not sure which shades to pick, it helps to understand the basics of color theory first. Keep reading for five fundamental ways to use color with your makeup!
Beauty Cares
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Giving Women Confidence When They Need it The Most
Learn about an organization that uses makeup to make women feel beautiful and special—at any age.