Shannon G.'s Articles Liked | Page 8
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 5: Tools of the Trade
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. In part five of our series, James talks makeup disposables and the best tools of the trade.
outFit with Kit
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Park Bench Workout Routine
Grab your tennis shoes and find a picnic table or park bench! This fast, cardio routine works your legs, booty, abs and arms.
Product Spotlight
- 1746
Yves St. Laurent Touche Éclat
There are few products I rely on more than my Yves St. Laurent Touche Éclat. Known in English as Radiant Touch, this luminizing “brush-pen” puts the perfect amount of radiance onto the skin.
Makeup Tutorials
- 3646
Two Great Ways To Wear Glitter!
Add a bright accent to your eyes or a subtle pop to smokey eyes with glitter.
Tips & Tricks
- 5490
Get Organized! Cosmetics clutter and how to contain it
Reduce your makeup collection clutter with these handy tips.
outFit with Kit
- 7515
In just three minutes, your abs, arms, and heart rate will feel this one.
Show your brows who’s boss!
Celebrity brow expert Anastasia Soare shows how to get perfectly shaped brows for your bone structure.
Product Spotlight
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Smoke ‘em! Sultry Eyes in Minutes with Too Faced's Boudoir Eyes Palette
Get more drama in your life with Too Faced's new spring release, Boudoir Eyes. It contains everything you need to create a day-to-night look in minutes!
Product Spotlight
- 1994
What Makeup? A Review Of Too Faced's No Makeup Makeup Palette
The latest by Too Faced is barely Faced at all! We put Too Faced's No Makeup Makeup palette to the test.
Makeup Tutorials
- 2780
Bad Girl Boot Camp
The Quickest Way to Look Alive After a Big Night Out (Works for boys too!)