Tiffany F.'s Articles Liked | Page 2
Tips & Tricks
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Hygiene tips for artists and their makeup kits
Whether you are a professional working makeup artist or a major makeup lover, keeping your product sanitary and yourself hygienic is essential to protecting you and your client from possible infections.
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Drag Queen Tips: Cook Your Face!
Take a tip from the world’s most famous drag queens and “cook” your concealer for a long-lasting, flawless finish.
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Apply Foundation Like A Pro
Le Métier de Beauté Director Mikey Castillo and trainer/makeup artist Erin Lockard gives Beautylish the lowdown on how to achieve a flawless, non-cakey foundation coverage for Spring!
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How to Cover Up a Tattoo
Have any tattoos you want to cover up for the upcoming warm weather season? Beautylish asks New York City Makeup Artist Michelle Coursey for the best tips and tricks on how to conceal tattoos flawlessly for special events. Keep reading for a full step-by-step and to see which of your favorite celebs sport the coolest tattoo!
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How To Look Your Best In HD
Celebrity makeup artist Orlando Santiago reveals his tips on how to look better on HD video. Hint: it's all about color, coverage, and texture!
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outFit With Kit: The Morning Wake-Up Workout
Need a little help getting up in the morning? Try this two-minute Pilates ab routine that gets Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich up and ready for her day!
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3 Minutes and a 2 Pound Weight Can Get You 1 Banging Body
Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich shows you how to pump heavy iron with little weight.
Tips & Tricks
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Erase Those Eyebrows: Brow Coverage 101
Erase those eyebrows with this classic drag trick (and a secret product that may surprise you!)
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Makeup Meets Color Theory
Are you creatively blocked when it comes to color? If you find yourself choosing a neutral palette day after day, it’s time to break out your box of colors! But if you’re not sure which shades to pick, it helps to understand the basics of color theory first. Keep reading for five fundamental ways to use color with your makeup!