Andrea R.'s Articles Liked | Page 2
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Your Guide to an Anti-Aging Lifestyle
Did you know that there are ways to prevent lines and wrinkles other than expensive creams and laser treatments? Keep reading for five easy (and inexpensive!) ideas to stop time in its tracks.
Product Trends
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Emergency Skin Care Solutions for the Office
Who wants to battle an emergency skin situation at work without some skin savers at the ready? Keep these five essentials at your desk and never battle bad skin at the office again!
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outFit with Kit: Strong Arms
“Strong was my skinny. Strong was my feminine. Strong was my new sexy, and tight arms were just icing on the cake.” Kit Rich discovered toned arms by accident, but her exercises will leave your arms defined, sculpted, and strong.
Airbrush Guns Demystified
Still a little perplexed about the pixel-perfect world of airbrushing? Temptu lead global artist Cory Bishop answers all of your burning questions.
outFit with Kit
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outFit With Kit: A Fitness Expert's Go To Salad Recipe
Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich reveals the one salad recipe she can’t get enough of, and how to prepare it on your own!