Jessica D.'s Articles Liked
- 5700
Attack of the Love Handles
This is a great routine to attack those pesky love handles!!
- 2462
Three Gentle Moves For a Stronger Back
Got back pain? These simple exercises help strengthen this often forgotten area of the body and ease aches that stem from sitting at a desk, sleeping the wrong way, and more!
- 2048
Our New Favorite Facial Hair Removal Cream Actually Smells Good
A depilatory cream that doesn't stink and doesn’t hurt? We investigate.
outFit with Kit
- 3240
Text Book Fit
Grab your old books, stack them up high, and get ready for a cardio blasting whirlwind of a routine!!
Building Your Kit
- 6880
Building Your Kit Part 4: Brush Up!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Get your brush breakdown in part four of our series.
From the Archive
- 11501
Quick Routine to Tone and Tighten the Legs
Less than 10 minutes and your legs will feel this one for sure. Try this routine by fitness expert, Kit Rich.
- 5981
How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Makeup artist Kat Lieberkind shows us how to properly clean and care for makeup brushes.