Brittany B.'s Articles Liked
Nail Tools
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DIY Nail Art Tools From Around Your House
We’ve scoured the pantry and the craft bin for our favorite gadgets and gizmos, and discovered that they lead double lives in the world of nail art.
Tips & Tricks
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Surprising Beauty Tools That You Probably Already Have at Your Desk
Think outside the medicine cabinet — these office supplies can help you make the most of your makeup!
Oily Skin Myths Solved!
Think you have oily skin? Prefer to skip the moisturizer? A shiny face is one of the most common skin issues out there, but do you really know everything you should? We debunk three oily skin myths.
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 4: Brush Up!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Get your brush breakdown in part four of our series.