Julianna B.'s Articles Liked | Page 2

  • Best Oil Treatments for Your Hair Type

    Best Oil Treatments for Your Hair Type

    The best way to get a shiny, healthy mane? Natural oils! Not only can you find these organic items at your local health-food store, but they’ve been fixing hair woes around the globe for centuries. Keep reading to find out how each nourishing oil benefits your strands and leave them looking their best.

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  • Stay Dry This Summer: Top 3 Anti-Perspirants/Deodorants

    Stay Dry This Summer: Top 3 Anti-Perspirants/Deodorants

    The last thing you want in summer is to sweat. Here are Beautylish's top 3 picks of deodorants and anti-perspirants that will get you through the long hot days.

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  • De-Clutter Your Makeup Products!

    De-Clutter Your Makeup Products!

    Two is better than one: Double duty products save room in your beauty collection and your handbag. Don't walk around with tons of makeup that will weigh you down, try these two-in-ones instead!

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  • Beauty Time-Savers

    Beauty Time-Savers

    Who doesn't need a little extra help in the morning? These time-saving beauty products will help shave off precious minutes in your morning glam routine to get you out the door even faster.

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  •  Our Top Picks for Cream Blushes
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    Our Top Picks for Cream Blushes

    Need more moisture this winter? Try one of our top cream blushes and add some color (and protection) to your face

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  • Top 3 Face Primers
    Top 3
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    Top 3 Face Primers

    Just as you apply base coat to your nails before adding polish, or product to your hair before you begin styling, prepping your skin with a primer should be an essential part of your makeup routine. Here are our Top 3 picks for the best makeup primers for your face.

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  • Define Your Curls and Waves
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    Define Your Curls and Waves

    Curls go especially haywire in fall and winter, when cold air creates static around the hair follicles. Translation? Poof and frizz. See which curl-defining, wave-shaping products we love!

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  • Smell Like Summer
    • 79

    Smell Like Summer

    Does the thought of cooler fall weather make you sad? Luckily, there are some delicious-smelling beauty products that will make you feel as if you're still on the beach soaking up the rays. Here are our Top 3.

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  • Good Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath
    Top 3
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    Good Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath

    Halitosis (the technical term for bad breath) can ruin a first date as quickly as that plate of garlic fries. Beautylish lists the best tips, tricks, and products to keep your breath as fresh and kissable as possible.

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  • Top 3 Pimple Fighters

    Top 3 Pimple Fighters

    Don't you hate those pesky little breakouts that show up at the worst possible times? We've put together a list of our Top 3 favorite pimple-fighting products.

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