Kona T.'s Articles Liked | Page 9
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Girl, You Need to Relax!
In the latest installment of "Brown Girl Beauty Myths," Dre Brown tackles chemical hair relaxers, Brazilian straightening, Japanese thermal reconditioning, and training your natural hair to behave without any harsh treatments. Keep reading to find out how you can wean yourself off the "creamy crack."
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Brown Girl Beauty Myths: "Never Caught Dead In Red"
Dre Brown and Sam Fine (Fashion Fair Cosmetics' new creative makeup director!) dispel another beauty myth: that brown girls can't wear red lipstick. Beauties, what do you think—does having more pigment in your skin mean you can't pull off bright colors?
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Best Foundation for Women of Color
Finding a perfect foundation match isn't easy for anyone, but if you're a woman of color, sometimes it seems near impossible. That's why Beautylish consulted with celebrity makeup artist Sam Fine for his foolproof tips for successful foundation shopping.
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Healthy Hair Tips for Women of Color
Many women of color are letting their natural hair grow in but there is a misconception. Celebrity hair stylist Ursula Stephen weighs in. "Many people have this idea that if you have natural hair, conditioning is not necessary or not as important as when your hair is relaxed—not true!" Ursula is the stylist responsible for Rihanna's 2006 fierce bob and gives us her expert tips and D.I.Y. remedy for women of color with natural hair.
Tips & Tricks
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Beginner's Makeup Kit Essentials
A makeup kit is more than just eye shadow, blush, and foundation. Most don’t take into account the incidentals and extras they'll need to make sure their bases are covered on their first important job. Keep reading to see our must-haves for a beginner’s makeup kit!
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 4: Brush Up!
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the biggest makeup artist endeavor: building the perfect kit. Get your brush breakdown in part four of our series.