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Apr 19, 2013

Natalie T.

Hey Jane, I would personally recommend lightening your hair at a salon first and then doing your own color (thats what I do). Your hair has to be bleached down as close to white as possible before you can achieve a pastel shade and its pretty hard to do and quite damaging, so I only trust a professional to do that step for me. If you wanted to do a pastel purple, you could get that look by leaving a violet toning shampoo and conditioner on your blonde hair for an extended period of time. If you wanted any other color you can get a pastel shade from mixing any color dye you want (pink, blue, green, ect) with white conditioner. The white conditioner will dilute the dye so it won't come out as a bright shade, but a nice creamy pastel color instead! I usually mix 80-90% white conditioner to 10-20% colored dye to get the pastel hues.
To maintain a pastel shade, I wash my hair with cool water, never warm. I sometimes add a tiny bit of dye to my regular conditioner to keep the color from fading so quickly as well. Good luck! Let me know if you need any other info or if you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to help =)

Apr 19, 2013

Jane E.

Hello cousin :)

Apr 14, 2013

Sadie A.

Hello, Jane.
You look incredibly familiar.  ;)

Jane E.

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