Yah tinamakeupwearables is a Youtube channel. She has another channel called Tinamakeupwearables. The only difference is a caps. But she is all about hair tutorials! She's amazing.! She's also in Beautylish. You can find her easily by going to the video section.
Dec 24, 2013
Mary P.
You are so pretty! Following
Dec 18, 2013
Kiyomi K.
Yah tinamakeupwearables is a Youtube channel. She has another channel called Tinamakeupwearables. The only difference is a caps. But she is all about hair tutorials! She's amazing.! She's also in Beautylish. You can find her easily by going to the video section.
Dec 4, 2013
Hannah H.
You are so gorgeous! I wish I looked like you.
Nov 12, 2013
Star R.
You are so beautiful!!!!!! I LOVE your eyes!!
Nov 3, 2013
Veronica E.
You are pretty!