Patience P.'s Articles Liked | Page 3
From the Shop
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Quick and Easy Summer Eyes: How to Get the Look with Too Faced
This new palette from Too Faced packs in nine summery shadows inspired by the sun and sea. We put the product to the test and created a sultry and fun warm weather look—try it to add a little color to your routine!
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We're Loving Short and Sweet Hair for Summer!
It's starting to warm up outside, and after browsing the Beautylish community, we're all ready for a major chop. Take a look at these super-hot short styles from our talented members, and see if you don't agree!
outFit with Kit
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The One Pilates Move You Should Do Everyday
The classic Pilates move most commonly known as "Around the Clock" is a little bit silly, but fun, and extremely effective. Try working it into your routine!
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Get Centered With These Three Heart-Openers
Kit does these three moves every day to center herself before teaching. Try them to open your heart, center yourself, and send positive energy to those around you!
Tips & Tricks
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Eight Easy Steps to Break Out of a Makeup Rut
Stuck in a makeup rut? Dolce & Gabbana’s national makeup artist Christian McCulloch is here to help you break free! Read on for his simple tips and tricks for experimenting with your look.
Tips & Tricks
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Four Ways to Deal with Makeup Fallout
Learn these easy techniques, and you’ll have the tricks and tools you need to deal with unwanted streaks of shadow, flecks of pigment, and more!
Building Your Kit
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Building Your Kit Part 10: Mascaras from A to Z
In this exclusive Beautylish series, makeup artist James Vincent tackles the makeup artist’s biggest endeavor: building the perfect kit. In Part 10, James teaches us how to create the perfect mascara arsenal.
outFit with Kit
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Bedtime Stretches To Help You Sleep
Try this easy four-move routine, including a one-minute gratitude practice, to help you unwind and ready your body for slumber.
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Six Ways to Cleanse, Treat, and Prevent Acne
Summer travel got you breaking out? Here are six products to kickstart your clearest summer complexion yet!
outFit with Kit
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Three Moves to Firm and Lift Your Booty! Bosu Routine Part 3
Try this quick routine to shape and tone the booty using the Bosu, one of Kit's favorite workout tools, and a resistance band with handles.