Donna Y.'s Articles Liked
Wash Up! How to Clean Makeup Sponges
Using two different cleanser products from beautyblender, we show you how to properly clean makeup sponges to keep them sanitary and prevent breakouts.
Event News
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Anastasia's Hyper Tea Party Photo Recap!
In honor of her Hypercolor line, Anastasia recently hosted a fab tea party for the Los Angeles beauty set, complete with sweets, libations, and of course, high-watt brows and 'dos! Check out the pics below.
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Drag Queen Tips: Cook Your Face!
Take a tip from the world’s most famous drag queens and “cook” your concealer for a long-lasting, flawless finish.
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Attack of the Love Handles
This is a great routine to attack those pesky love handles!!
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How to Get What You Want at the Makeup Counter
Don't get into that chair without knowing these simple things.
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Advanced Core Work on the Exercise Ball
Strengthen your core with with these simple exercise-ball routines.
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Three Gentle Moves For a Stronger Back
Got back pain? These simple exercises help strengthen this often forgotten area of the body and ease aches that stem from sitting at a desk, sleeping the wrong way, and more!
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The Ultimate One-Move, Five-Minute Workout
If you only have five minutes to get in a workout, do this one move. It works your entire body, toning the abs, arms, and legs, fast!