Yessica G.'s Articles Liked | Page 6
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Where do Your Dark Spots Come From?
Who likes dark spots? Definitely not us! We spoke with a derm to discover just how sunspots and those pesky dark patches from pimples actually occur, and how you can get rid of them.
Face Skincare
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DIY Skincare: Face Scrubs
Gently exfoliating your face with a face scrub on a daily basis can help rejuvenate and improve your skin tone. Without exfoliating, the dry and dead skin cells can block your pores which can lead to blackheads, acne, and discoloration. Beauties, it's time to pamper your skin with these easy DIY face scrub recipes!
Makeup Removers
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DIY Beauty: Makeup Removers
If you use any type of makeup, you must wash it all off before you go to bed at night. Keep reading for recipes on how to create your own natural makeup removers at home!
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DIY Beauty: Carrot Face Mask
Not only are carrots good for your health, they can tone and clarify your skin, since they are naturally antiseptic and packed with vitamins (like carotene) and iron. Nom on some carrot sticks while you whip up this easy face mask that will be soothing and delicious for your skin!
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DIY Beauty: Strawberry Face Masks
Face masks are a great way to feed your skin healthy antioxidants. Here are three strawberry masks that can help cleanse, exfoliate and brighten your skin.
Face Skincare
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DIY Banana Beauty Recipes
Always in season, bananas are readily available at your grocery store. This fruit is packed with potassium, vitamin B and C, and tryptophan that help revitalize dry skin and hair. Here are three banana recipes to help you stay soft and silky all summer!
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Natural Bug Repellants That Really Work
Getting sick of mosquitoes? Use one of these eco-friendly bug repellant sprays to keep those pesky suckers away and your legs bite-free.
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DIY Blueberry Skin Care Recipes
Did you know that blueberries have some of the highest antioxidant levels among all fruits and vegetables? See how you can turn this delicious and healthy snack into super potent skin care this summer.
Top 3
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All Natural Headache Soothers
Headaches ruining your day? Don't let them! Try these all-natural headache soothers to help ease the pain.
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Lipsticks That Help Women's Health!
PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics is the first company to donate 100% of its profits to women's health and human rights advocacy issues and have introduced four new colors to their Eco-Moist Lip Paints! Keep reading to find out more..