Yessica G.'s Articles Liked | Page 21
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Advanced Core Work on the Exercise Ball
Strengthen your core with with these simple exercise-ball routines.
- 2462
Three Gentle Moves For a Stronger Back
Got back pain? These simple exercises help strengthen this often forgotten area of the body and ease aches that stem from sitting at a desk, sleeping the wrong way, and more!
- 1493
April Showers! Three Wet-Weather Hairstyles That Can Get Rained On
Is it pouring out? We designed these easy wet-and-set hairstyles to take advantage of the rainy spring weather.
- 2695
The Ultimate One-Move, Five-Minute Workout
If you only have five minutes to get in a workout, do this one move. It works your entire body, toning the abs, arms, and legs, fast!