Maya G.'s Articles Liked | Page 8

  • Easy Beauty Fix-Its

    Easy Beauty Fix-Its

    There are some things in life that your mother may never have told you, but she should have. Like what necessities to keep in your handbag, and how to learn to walk in heels. Luckily, we've put together a list of must-know beauty (and life!) tips and practices.

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  • Fast Fix Makeup Tricks
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    Fast Fix Makeup Tricks

    Applying too much bronzer or smudging mascara across your perfect eye shadow doesn’t mean you have to take off your whole face and start over. There are plenty of tricks to save yourself from makeup boo boos. Keep reading for tips on how to solve those makeup mishaps.

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  • Naughty or Nice Beauty Checklist

    Naughty or Nice Beauty Checklist

    Time's up! You've had all year to banish your bad beauty habits, now are you ready for the ultimate test? Keep reading to see if you made the naughty or nice beauty list this season.

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  • How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

    How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes 

    Makeup artist Kat Lieberkind shows us how to properly clean and care for makeup brushes.

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  • Beauty Detox: Winter Bisque

    Beauty Detox: Winter Bisque

    Love to warm up on a chilly day with a hot cup of soup? Try a bisque! This week celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder gives us a bisque recipe based on squash, a vegetable that’s high in beta-carotene (a great source of vitamin A), so you’ll feel full and know you’re getting your vitamins!

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  • Healthy Holiday Drinks

    Healthy Holiday Drinks

    We adore delicious, aromatic holiday beverages, but the mix of sugar, chocolate, and alcohol can really throw your skin off balance. To save your complexion and still enjoy the season’s flavors, sip on these three healthy alternatives.

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  • Beauty Detox: Energy Soup

    Beauty Detox: Energy Soup

    Winter is ideal for warming up with soups, so why not enjoy one that will give you an energy and immune boost as well? This week celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder gives us a recipe for cauliflower energy soup, a quick and easy-to-make meal that is high in vitamins and nutrients.

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  • Should You Detox?

    Should You Detox?

    Wondering whether a detox diet will rid you of your holiday pounds? Keep reading to find out which cleanses will actually help you get healthier and which ones are a waste of time and money.

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  • Save Your Skin With These Stress-Free Tips
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    Save Your Skin With These Stress-Free Tips

    4 stress management thoughts to bear in mind whenever you—or your skin—feel flustered.

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  • Easy Tips for Healthy Snacking

    Easy Tips for Healthy Snacking

    Beauties, do you get the craving for a snack and immediately run to the vending machine? Eating quick, unhealthy treats is bad for your body in the short and long term, so we spoke with wellness expert Frank Lipman, M.D., to get some tips on healthy eating and snack ideas.

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