Joanna T.'s Articles Liked
- 2227
DIY Your Own Custom Lip Palette
Make your own custom lip palette with our two easy recipes!
- 1340
Depotting Demystified: A Custom DIY Palette Is Easier Than You Think!
Can't quite figure out how to remove your favorite products from their off-the-shelf packaging? Read on for our depotting step-by-step, plus tips and tricks.
DIY Makeup
- 3199
DIY Tinted Lip Balm In A Locket!
When you’ve almost used up your favorite lipstick, there’s that little bit of product left at the bottom, here's how to transform it into a tinted balm ... in a locket.
- 1289
Dr. Bad Jen’s Atomic Cosmetics
A mad scientist with a love for glitter takes on the makeup industry with her own line of superpowered products.