Gracie K.'s Articles Liked | Page 2
Makeup Tutorials
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Two Great Ways To Wear Glitter!
Add a bright accent to your eyes or a subtle pop to smokey eyes with glitter.
Makeup Brushes
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Cover Acne & Blemishes With The Right Brushes
When covering acne and blemishes, having the right makeup brush is just as important as choosing the right concealer. Brushes can get into the nooks and crannies of trouble spots, since the bristles can maneuver themselves easily into the crevices. Here are our top 3 picks of makeup brushes that can help cover your acne spots and blemishes!
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How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes
Makeup artist Kat Lieberkind shows us how to properly clean and care for makeup brushes.
Nail Tools
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DIY Nail Art Tools From Around Your House
We’ve scoured the pantry and the craft bin for our favorite gadgets and gizmos, and discovered that they lead double lives in the world of nail art.
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Makeup Meets Color Theory
Are you creatively blocked when it comes to color? If you find yourself choosing a neutral palette day after day, it’s time to break out your box of colors! But if you’re not sure which shades to pick, it helps to understand the basics of color theory first. Keep reading for five fundamental ways to use color with your makeup!
DIY Skin Care
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DIY Acne Spot Treatments
How do you minimize the impact of surprise acne flare ups without an impromptu (and expensive!) visit to the dermatologist? Try these three time-tested, do-it-yourself solutions and watch your blemishes vanish.
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DIY Body Oils
During the winter months, your skin can become extra dry, flaky, or ashy from hot showers, skin-chapping winds, and moisture-sucking indoor heaters. The use of body oils can soften your skin and keep it supple. Keep reading for 3 homemade recipes of body oils that you can easily create at home.
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DIY Beauty: Hair Rinse
Cleansing your hair with a hair rinse will revive your hair and remove buildup from your daily shampoos and styling products. Find out which everyday kitchen products can be used to create your own inexpensive hair rinse!