Cory S.'s Articles Liked | Page 10
Nail Tools
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DIY Nail Art Tools From Around Your House
We’ve scoured the pantry and the craft bin for our favorite gadgets and gizmos, and discovered that they lead double lives in the world of nail art.
Lip Liners
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The Clear Solution: Keeping Vibrant Lip Pigment in Place!
Want to try trendy, bright lipstick without fearing a color bleed? Enlist the help of a clear lip liner and keep your lip vibrant and smudge-proof all day!
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Three Oil-Free Moisturizers You Need to Try
Moisturizers are essential—even for Beauties with oily, acne-prone skin! If heavier formulas are weighing you down, check out our three favorite oil-free hydrators.
Hair Removal
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Underarm Perfection
Welcome to hair removal 101! From shaving to laser, prepping for sleeveless season can be the pits. To make removing stubble a little easier, we rounded up the best ways to achieve underarm perfection.
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The Best DIY Facial Ever
Sheet masks may look a little Casper-meets-Hannibal Lecter, but this Eastern beauty secret is now popular in the West! See how the latest fabric facials can help you achieve flawless skin.
Splurge or Save
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Splurge vs. Save: Spring Makeup
Whether you're looking to spend big on mascara or scrimp on lip gloss, we've rounded up this season's best new products at every price.
From the Archive
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DIY Milk Beauty Recipes
Ready to test a time-honored skin care secret that even Cleopatra swore by? Keep reading for three amazing DIY milk recipes you’ve got to try.
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Makeup Meets Color Theory
Are you creatively blocked when it comes to color? If you find yourself choosing a neutral palette day after day, it’s time to break out your box of colors! But if you’re not sure which shades to pick, it helps to understand the basics of color theory first. Keep reading for five fundamental ways to use color with your makeup!
The Truth About Face Masks
Love face masks and facials but wonder why the professionals charge so much for something you could do yourself? We spoke with the experts to find out mask your skin type really needs, and how you can recreate the perfect facial at home.
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The Fat That’s Good For You
Newsflash: Not all fats are evil! Avocado is one of the best sources of monounsaturated fat, a good-for-you fat that your body needs to keep your heart healthy and skin moisturized. Keep reading to discover why you need good fats in your body, and how they can protect your skin from aging and sun damage.