Manda G.'s Articles Liked | Page 11

  • Foundation Techniques for Women of Color

    Foundation Techniques for Women of Color

    At the International Makeup Artist Trade Show (IMATS) Los Angeles this past weekend, Emmy award winning makeup artist Eve Pearl (the woman responsible for reality singer Susan Boyle's makeover!) demonstrated her tips and tricks for a flawless finish on women of color.

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  • Money-Saving Makeup Advice

    Money-Saving Makeup Advice

    Don't throw that out! These videos show you how to get the most out of your expensive makeup, from repairing and reusing broken shadows and lipsticks to creating your own tinted moisturizer from products you already have.

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  • DIY Beauty: Hair Removal Wax

    DIY Beauty: Hair Removal Wax

    It's our weekly series on DIY (do-it-yourself) beauty recipes and this week, learn how to create your own hair removal wax with just three ingredients from your kitchen!

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  • Face Primers: What to Know Before You Cover Up

    Face Primers: What to Know Before You Cover Up

    Tips on how to shop for the best base for your base makeup.

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  • Online Beauty Lingo for Beginners

    Online Beauty Lingo for Beginners

    When you first start playing with beauty products, there are terms people say online that you might not know yet. Don’t worry, Beauties, we'll help you learn to follow a makeup tutorial with ease. Keep reading for definitions of those seemingly foreign words and abbreviations!

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  • Cut the Cost on Beauty

    Cut the Cost on Beauty

    As with most things in life, thinking a little harder and smarter can save you time as well as money. There are plenty of tips and tricks for spending less on beauty products and treatments—you just need to know where to look!

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  • Easy Beauty Fix-Its

    Easy Beauty Fix-Its

    There are some things in life that your mother may never have told you, but she should have. Like what necessities to keep in your handbag, and how to learn to walk in heels. Luckily, we've put together a list of must-know beauty (and life!) tips and practices.

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  • Five Memory-Boosting Foods

    Five Memory-Boosting Foods

    No one likes to forget an important date or meeting, but did you know that what you eat can affect your memory? Foods such as anchovies, olive oil, and cinnamon don't just taste nice in a Caesar salad or apple pie, but can help you remember important names and dates! Keep reading to find out all five.

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  • Why We Love Yogurt

    Why We Love Yogurt

    Ever wondered why yogurt is so good for you? We spoke with a nutritionist to find out what benefits it has for your skin and body, and which type of yogurt you should actually be buying.

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  • Eat Your Way to a Better Complexion
    • 1090

    Eat Your Way to a Better Complexion

    It's true, you are what you eat! Did you know that what you digest can solve problems such as acne, dry skin, rosacea, and wrinkles? We spoke with an expert to find out exactly which foods can fix these pesky skin issues.

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