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Mar 10, 2013

Kaylyn A.

And I think some people can be haters sometimes I mean I try my hardest to ignore them too but they just keep on hating non stop I like how you also speak your mind you don't care and that's the confidence you should have :) because people on here think that this is a place where there are no kids and just adults. It doesn't work that way!! Thanks :)) I really think your a good influence

Mar 10, 2013

Kaylyn A.

Your really pretty :)

Mar 5, 2013

Lydia G.

Aww thanks :) I just don't get why people have to be bitchy...I get expressing yourself and your opinions but why be nasty about it...some of the girls have no interpersonal skills what so ever!! It should be a place for people to feel good and get advice about make up, fashion and skin care etc...not a 'lets be the biggest bitches we can' kinda site!! I suppose I maybe should read the stuff but since being a member if this I have seen so many posts from girls who are insecure and who are trying their hardest to love them selves, and a thread like that could just completely destroy them because of the use of such horrible words. *sigh*
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to post the message...means a lot Hun <3 xxx

Mar 5, 2013

Michelle B.

I have read all of your comments on the silly and tacky trend thread. I have been fighting for people to be more respectful on here for awhile so I seriously have to thank you for being so awesome as to stand up and speak your mind! :) You are very inspiring! Keep rocking that lovely style! ;)

Lydia G.

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