Brittany G.'s Articles Liked | Page 34
Eco Beauty
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Recycled Beauty: How to Responsibly Dump Your Used Makeup
If you’ve ever finished up a beauty product, rethink its afterlife with these eco-conscious trashing tips.
Beauty Library
- 121
Beauty Library: 3 Makeup Books We Can’t Put Down!
We’ve combed the library racks for the freshest, coolest, most interesting literary superstars! Behold, Beauties: our top beauty books of the moment.
Makeup Tutorials
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How-To: Graffiti-Inspired Makeup
Urban street art has us inspired! From paint splatter to sweeping graphic lines, follow our step-by-step tutorial to create a unique artwork for your own face!
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Beauty Detox: Nuts for Nuts!
You don’t have to douse nuts with sugar or honey to enjoy their flavor. Follow celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder's recipe for a delicious homemade nut paté.
Brush Cleaners
- 302
The Truth About Cleaning Your Makeup
Ever wondered why your skin is breaking out or you have a cold sore? It could be dirty makeup! We spoke with Nancy Crossley, founder of Beauty So Clean, to find out why cleaning your makeup (as well as your brushes!) is so important.
Nail Polish
- 349
3 Products to a Chip-Proof Manicure
Musicians and typists alike all suffer the the same manicured misfortune: Nicked nails! We’ve rounded up our favorite chip-proof products to ensure a heavy-duty week of flawless wear.
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Why You Need Kale, Now!
Wondering what all the fuss is about? Everyone's raving about kale, so we made it our business to discover why the leafy green is so coveted.
Product Trends
- 294
Five Products That Will Save You Time, Space, and Energy
Save space in your handbag—and time in your day—with easy-to-use products that solve all your makeup mishaps.
Sun Protection
- 152
The Right Way to Apply Sunscreen
Most of us understand how important sun protection is, but are we applying it correctly? Keep reading to finally learn the right way to slather on the SPF.
Hair Color
- 330
Everlasting Locks: How to Maintain Color-Perfect Hair
We’re as captivated with chromatic hair color as the rest of the beauty world, but how do you protect and prolong your freshly dyed designs? It’s time to invest in color-minded hair care.