Rose H.'s Articles Liked
DIY Skin Care
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Guy-Approved DIY Beauty Recipes
With Father's day around the corner and Morgan Spurlock's "Mansome" a Tribeca film festival hit, things are heating up for guys in beauty. Pamper the men in your life with these three easy DIY beauty solutions.
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Beauty Detox: Shiny Hair Salad
We all know that how we look on the outside is a reflection of what we do to the inside, and maintaining a healthy diet is key to having beautiful skin. However, thinking of new, yummy recipes to cook can be tough, so we paired up with celebrity nutritionist and author of "The Beauty Detox Solution," Kimberly Snyder. Each week, we’ll bring you one of Kim’s healthy, delicious recipes to try at home.
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outFit with Kit: Strong Arms
“Strong was my skinny. Strong was my feminine. Strong was my new sexy, and tight arms were just icing on the cake.” Kit Rich discovered toned arms by accident, but her exercises will leave your arms defined, sculpted, and strong.
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Yes, You Can Do a Full Body Workout With This Rubber Band
No space for a full workout? Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich has the perfect solution.
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3 Minutes and a 2 Pound Weight Can Get You 1 Banging Body
Beautylish fitness expert Kit Rich shows you how to pump heavy iron with little weight.
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3 Moves To Tame Those Outer Thighs
Give your thighs some lovin' attention to prep for summer short shorts! Grab a band, take a few minutes out of your day, and work it!
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Attack of the Love Handles
This is a great routine to attack those pesky love handles!!
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Advanced Core Work on the Exercise Ball
Strengthen your core with with these simple exercise-ball routines.
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Three Gentle Moves For a Stronger Back
Got back pain? These simple exercises help strengthen this often forgotten area of the body and ease aches that stem from sitting at a desk, sleeping the wrong way, and more!