Beauty Product Reviews

I don't know.

This was an impulse buy from dutyfree on a flight I was on. It was either this or Benefit's concealer/correcter set. I don't know how much I like this. The scent is strong for me, and stays for a while after application. The sponge is pretty mediocre. It's hard to get out of the tin and requires me to pinch it, which inevitably picks up some product. It also picks up way too much lint and particles. I have yet to try the product out with just my fingers, but so far it the sponge seems to deposit enough. After using it under concealer, it makes my concealer look so much more natural, as if I had applied powder over it. However at the end of the day, there was a noticeable crease in the fine lines under my eye. Even if I tried to smudge it out evenly again with my finger, it didn't work. It does do a good job of keeping my free matte, which is good. It doesn't seem to help my pores much. I will be keeping this, but I don't know if I will spend the money to buy it again.