sandra e.'s Articles Liked | Page 16
- 1416
Advanced Core Work on the Exercise Ball
Strengthen your core with with these simple exercise-ball routines.
- 884
Barbie Gets Her Biggest, Blondest Makeover Yet
MAC's got Marilyn, but we're in love with another blond.
- 739
8 Things You Didn't Know About Chanel No. 5 Perfume
Why Chanel holds a special note in our industry, and our hearts.
Face Skincare
- 1307
Cosmetic Oils: What’s Good for Skin and Hair, and What’s Not
Are beauty oils miraculous for hair and skin? Or do they just make you break out? We outline the pros and cons of oil-based products.
- 1440
Test Drive: Gel Nails At Home
Are salon quality gel manis really possible at home? We took Kiss's Everlasting Gel Polish System kit for a spin.
- 1883
How to Get What You Want at the Makeup Counter
Don't get into that chair without knowing these simple things.
- 282
What's Your Skin Doing While You Sleep?
We all love slathering on serums, creams, and potions that claim to work miracles overnight, but are we forgetting about our skin cells already at work? Beautylish asks dermatologist Dr. Murad to decipher this complex issue—what's your skin actually doing during sleep?
- 588
Where do Your Dark Spots Come From?
Who likes dark spots? Definitely not us! We spoke with a derm to discover just how sunspots and those pesky dark patches from pimples actually occur, and how you can get rid of them.
- 1475
The Hidden Culprit Behind Breakouts
How often do you change your sheets? They might be causing you to break out!