zoe j.'s Articles Liked | Page 37
Photo Call
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What Your Hair Needs to Look Like for the Holidays
Black tie braids and bling—because it never hurts to get a little fancy for the holidays.
Loathe or Love
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24k Gold Tattoos: Bright Idea or Bad Bling?
Dior’s gilded temporary tats are beautiful, but are they worth it?
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Beauty Common Sense: Good Ideas and Bad Ideas
Beauty counters are a great resource for information and new beauty idea inspiration, but there are some things you shouldn't do at the makeup counter. Beautylish's Undercover Beauty Agent reveals what not to do when you're visiting your favorite beauty hotspot.
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Beauty Myth: Does Your Hair Grow Faster In The Summer?
Have you heard the myth that your hair grows faster in the summer? We speak with Philip Kingsley trichologist Elizabeth Cunnane Phillips on the matter. Keep reading to find out if the myth is true!
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Counter Confidential: Beauty Butterfingers
Our Undercover Beauty Agent dishes about a customer who can’t seem to get a grip on her products. Literally.
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Body By Kit: A Crappy Situation
In a new Beautylish series, "Body By Kit," fitness expert Kit Rich gives us the skinny on weight loss treatments. In this installment, Kit tests a Chinese herbal diet tea to slim down before a big date. Keep reading for Kit's blow-by-blow details, as well as her recommendations for what really works to curb your appetite (in a healthy way!).
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Girl, You Need to Relax!
In the latest installment of "Brown Girl Beauty Myths," Dre Brown tackles chemical hair relaxers, Brazilian straightening, Japanese thermal reconditioning, and training your natural hair to behave without any harsh treatments. Keep reading to find out how you can wean yourself off the "creamy crack."
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Cosmetic Collectibles: Jason Wu's Fashion Royalty Dolls
Find out why Jason Wu’s Fashion Royalty dolls up the ante on beauty collectibles.
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Body By Kit: The Sickest Part of Being Sick
This week, health and fitness expert Kit Rich tackles the issue of illness-related weight loss and asks why women are so obsessed with slimming down that they'll even envy the skinny that comes as a side effect of being sick.