NuNu M.'s Articles Liked
Tips & Tricks
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Erase Those Eyebrows: Brow Coverage 101
Erase those eyebrows with this classic drag trick (and a secret product that may surprise you!)
Would you Rock Bangs with Sideburns?
Go long! Celebrities are updating their forehead fringe with thick, tapered side pieces. Keep reading to discover the stars currently sporting the sideburns effect—and then vote on the trend!
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Brown Girl Beauty Myths: "Never Caught Dead In Red"
Dre Brown and Sam Fine (Fashion Fair Cosmetics' new creative makeup director!) dispel another beauty myth: that brown girls can't wear red lipstick. Beauties, what do you think—does having more pigment in your skin mean you can't pull off bright colors?
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Girl, You Need to Relax!
In the latest installment of "Brown Girl Beauty Myths," Dre Brown tackles chemical hair relaxers, Brazilian straightening, Japanese thermal reconditioning, and training your natural hair to behave without any harsh treatments. Keep reading to find out how you can wean yourself off the "creamy crack."
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A Brown Girl Beauty Retrospective
Who are your personal beauty icons? Dre Brown is back to discuss her childhood obsession with long hair (complete with homemade extensions) and the famous faces that shaped her concept of beauty.