Beauty Product Reviews | Page 5
Nice but bad for your skin
This looks very pretty but I don't wear it as much so it just sits there. My skin tone changes ALOT so it's very hard for me to stick to makeup and my face is always lighter than my body for some reason so sometimes I have to match my face with the rest of my skin (SUCKS!) This makes you look flawless though.
it's ok
I'm more of a lip plumper gal and my goto all time fave is motherpucker lipgloss and sometimes duwop lip venom but the colors of beauty rush are very pretty but there's no plumping effect and the texture isn't my cup of tea. To me they are average glosses and I've also tried drugstore glosses that were better than this.
I don't like that layer that it leaves on your skin! It feels gross but it is better than other drugstore facial cleansers only because it's less hazardous than others. There are more safer products than cetaphil...check it out at <a class='textlink' href='' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'></a> (<a class='textlink' href='http://EWG.ORG' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>EWG.ORG</a>) gluck =)
works good but I still don't like it
I use the white one and it works great but I really don't need fake lashes since my lashes are long. With that being said, when I take off the lashes the glue is so tacky along with the mascara that it pulls my lashes out and that's not good! Also the ingredients in here are so bad for your eyes! oh the price of beauty. Thank god I use them once in a blue moon.
Looks good but NOT GREAT!
I liked this a couple years ago and wore it every day but as soon as I went organic and my face cleared, I could tell the difference of what it was doing to my skin. my pores were clogged and it became noticeable and my skin was just terrible after every use...I think you can become immune to this especially if your used to dousing yourself with chemicals and toxins. If you do use this then use it over primer or MACs strobe cream or over tinted moisturizer.
3/8/2013 After going organic and purging my looks so much better and healthier!! I still have light plus and started using it again and the only reaction I get are larger pores but they go back down in size the next day. I don't break out from MSFN or from face and body since it's water based...the only thing I completely dislike about the MSFN is the color range...they are all the same color range and only go from light to dark so if you have any yellow tint then this isn't for you but as long as you do a light dusting you will be ok! I can't use these wet like I want to because I will look two toned!
I thought this was it till I found better!
This is a great overall product but I went more organic and now I use sweet sensation therapy for lips and's meant for pregnant women or babies and I LOVE it and swear by it. Back to Burts bees, I love the smell and the way it feels on my lips but there's nothing wrong with it, I just decided to go more organic.
I LOVE sigma brushes!!! I've had mine for a few years now and they are excellent! I wash them with baby shampoo and I wash after every use and they are still looking brand new! If shedding makes you mad then I'm telling you now mine still shed till this day but I can still pick it off my face but it is annoying but I haven't had a brush that hasn't shed besides MAC.
I hate these kinds of bristles because I put on my mascara a certain way that makes these brushes poke underneath my eyelids =( I'm not going to say it's completely bad but with my techniques YES ITS BAD for me lol but depends on what look u want and some like the way this applies. it defines each and every lash you have but I like thickening mascara so this isn't for me..
good but not great!
I have alot of blushes from MAC but my everyday go-to blush is from Blu-ray high definition blush...I LOVE LOVE LOVE blu-ray. Anywhoo, the blush blends perfectly well and looks great JUST PICK THE RIGHT COLOR lol
update 3/8/13: I have alot of matte blushes and sheer blushes and Peaches is my fav from MAC. Harmony is also very nice but only nice for certain skin tones if you are contouring! I lean more on the yellow side...pale side of NC30 (NC25 way too pale) in winter and NC35 in summer. The summer time I could wear this as a contour, in winter, it has to be VERY VERY light handed or I will look dirty lol
I love the way it literally glides on your eyes! I love how it goes on creamy and dries normally and the staying power is EXCELLENT! You can smudge it for a smokey look but smudge it right away before it dries, so do one eye at a time. The trick to crazy beautiful eyes is using this as a liner and then going over it with a liquid liner again to get the darkest eye effect or vice versa, whatever floats your boat. What I do when I get glammed up is I use fluidline from MAC to line my eyes and then put mascara on and then when everything is done I go over it again with the zero to make it pop. Fluidline is more of a gel so that's why I don't apply it over the zero but if you want that dark effect then get the liquid kind and apply that over your zero. try it you'll love me! ALSO, I tried rockstar and it doesn't stay on like zero so I'm not a fan and I've also tried bourbon and it's good for a natural look or a light brown smokey eye.