Jaimie A.'s Articles Liked | Page 4
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Makeup for Beginners: How to Choose (and Use) Mascara
How do you pick from all the mascaras on the market to find the one that’s right for you? James Vincent Breaks it Down
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Makeup for Beginners: Skin Preparation
The right skin preparation can mean the difference between looking dull and tired or looking radiant. James Vincent walks us through the basic steps that are essential to skin prep, regardless of how much makeup you wear.
Tips & Tricks
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You’re Doing It Wrong: The Right Way To Drink Water
How to personalize your approach to staying hydrated.
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Soothe Inflamed Skin and Detoxify the Body with One Delicious Herb
Cilantro can be used as a cooling face mask, to help treat blemishes, and to brighten a variety of foods—everything from salads to juices to guacamole!
Show your brows who’s boss!
Celebrity brow expert Anastasia Soare shows how to get perfectly shaped brows for your bone structure.