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Last week

Asela P.

Love your articles. Would you guys ever consider writing a piece on styling according to one's rising (ascendant) sign? I noticed that your site already has a piece on shopping guides for sun signs from the zodiac, but from an astrologer's bag, your girl's girl would've let you know that you need to style according to your rising sign because that is how you appear to others.

Example: Zodisha might have her sun sign in Sagittarius but her rising is in Libra. These two signs are ruled by completely different planets and their approach to aesthetics is significantly different.

While Sagittarius embraces creativity, adventure, risk taking, independence, playfulness, and perhaps a little envelope pushing-

Libra leans more towards Elegance, balance, soft-glam, romance, and is skin-focused (think natural, lit from within glow)

I'm leaving this here because I'm confident that you'll do something amazing with this premise. And I look forward to seeing the results. ❤️

Kat F.

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