I commented on your workout post and as it may be deleted, I'm commenting here just in case you want to contact me for more info. I'm a trained gymnastics coach and I'm pretty well versed in exercising hahah :) this is a basic warm up that I do with my gymnasts, it's only a warm up but it focuses on all areas, however doesn't include any conditioning of the muscles.
For muscle conditioning, I'd recommend HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and circuit training as they are really good for building muscle.
Obviously it does depend on what your aims of the workout are, what you want to achieve.
Here's my warm up I do -
You'll want to start off with a pulse raiser (such as running on the spot for 60 seconds or around your garden/local area, etc)
? Head turned to left side, head turned to right side x2 hold for 5 secs each
? Shoulders up to ears, shoulders down x2 hold for 5 secs each
? One shoulder up, one shoulder down and then switch sides x2 hold for 5 secs each
? Backward circles with straight arms, forward circles with straight arms, one forward one back straight arms. Always brush past ears! Try ten rotations of each arm each direction
? Big and little circles with hips, write name with hips - hands always on hips, try ten circles
? Hands on knees, circle knees round together, outside circles with knees, inside circles with knees - 5 circles of each
? Arms up, legs straight, stretch down to toes. Nose on knees or hands on legs/toes/floor. Legs straight, knees and feet together. Hold for 10 secs.
? Sitting on floor (knees tucked under), clasp hands and circle wrists. Join hands together by fingers interlocked and make waves. Palms of hands on top of one another and bend wrists back. Shake hands and wrists out.
? On hands and knees, arch back and look up to ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds then concave back and look at your stomach. Hold for 10 seconds. 2 rotations of each
? Seal position (legs together, knees together, feet/ankles together) sleeping cat (legs together, bottom in air, shoulders close to floor) x2 hold each for 10 secs
? Sitting on bottom with legs out straight in pike position, point toes, flex toes x2. One foot pointed, one flexed x2.
? Sitting on bottoms with straight legs and knees together, pike fold for 10 seconds (stretch arms up and then reach towards your toes). Hands on feet or legs, try to get your nose on your knees. Keep legs straight, together, knees on floor and together. x2 if necessary. Start with hands straight up. Toes pointed.
? Straddle legs, arms up and into left leg Straddle fold (Reach down your left leg and hold your legs/toes). Hold 10 secs. Arms up into right leg Straddle fold. Hold 10 secs. Arms up again into centre Straddle fold. Hold 10 secs. Can do arm crossover and reach for both left and right leg fold with older kids. Toes pointed, knees pointed up to ceiling. Shake legs out after
? Laying on backs and up into bridge. Hold 10 seconds. Come down and two rocks. X2, on second go rock and stand up. Whilst in Bridge open shoulder angle and push your shoulders back, try to get legs straight.
Jul 26, 2016
Hannah K.
I commented on your workout post and as it may be deleted, I'm commenting here just in case you want to contact me for more info. I'm a trained gymnastics coach and I'm pretty well versed in exercising hahah :) this is a basic warm up that I do with my gymnasts, it's only a warm up but it focuses on all areas, however doesn't include any conditioning of the muscles.
For muscle conditioning, I'd recommend HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and circuit training as they are really good for building muscle.
Obviously it does depend on what your aims of the workout are, what you want to achieve.
Here's my warm up I do -
You'll want to start off with a pulse raiser (such as running on the spot for 60 seconds or around your garden/local area, etc)
? Head turned to left side, head turned to right side x2 hold for 5 secs each
? Shoulders up to ears, shoulders down x2 hold for 5 secs each
? One shoulder up, one shoulder down and then switch sides x2 hold for 5 secs each
? Backward circles with straight arms, forward circles with straight arms, one forward one back straight arms. Always brush past ears! Try ten rotations of each arm each direction
? Big and little circles with hips, write name with hips - hands always on hips, try ten circles
? Hands on knees, circle knees round together, outside circles with knees, inside circles with knees - 5 circles of each
? Arms up, legs straight, stretch down to toes. Nose on knees or hands on legs/toes/floor. Legs straight, knees and feet together. Hold for 10 secs.
? Sitting on floor (knees tucked under), clasp hands and circle wrists. Join hands together by fingers interlocked and make waves. Palms of hands on top of one another and bend wrists back. Shake hands and wrists out.
? On hands and knees, arch back and look up to ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds then concave back and look at your stomach. Hold for 10 seconds. 2 rotations of each
? Seal position (legs together, knees together, feet/ankles together) sleeping cat (legs together, bottom in air, shoulders close to floor) x2 hold each for 10 secs
? Sitting on bottom with legs out straight in pike position, point toes, flex toes x2. One foot pointed, one flexed x2.
? Sitting on bottoms with straight legs and knees together, pike fold for 10 seconds (stretch arms up and then reach towards your toes). Hands on feet or legs, try to get your nose on your knees. Keep legs straight, together, knees on floor and together. x2 if necessary. Start with hands straight up. Toes pointed.
? Straddle legs, arms up and into left leg Straddle fold (Reach down your left leg and hold your legs/toes). Hold 10 secs. Arms up into right leg Straddle fold. Hold 10 secs. Arms up again into centre Straddle fold. Hold 10 secs. Can do arm crossover and reach for both left and right leg fold with older kids. Toes pointed, knees pointed up to ceiling. Shake legs out after
? Laying on backs and up into bridge. Hold 10 seconds. Come down and two rocks. X2, on second go rock and stand up. Whilst in Bridge open shoulder angle and push your shoulders back, try to get legs straight.