Y M.'s Articles Liked | Page 2
- 1319
Juice Your Way to ... Fighting Bloat!
A custom anti-bloating juice with diuretic fruits and veggies to take “puffy” out of your morning routine equation.
From the Shop
- 1031
Classic Kevyn Aucoin Makeup Lesson #2: Shaping Lips
Our exclusive four-part series adapted from Kevyn’s classic beauty bibles, Making Faces and Face Forward, continues with a lesson in shaping the lips.
- 275
Beauty Mythbusters! We Investigate the Weirdest Beauty Headlines
Beauty inventions are getting weirder by the day. We take a look at what they promise, and what science debunks.
- 593
The Benefits and Limitations of Tea Tree Oil
Some find tea tree oil works wonders on acne, while others report it saps moisture and leaves patchy, sensitive spots. This essential oil may or may not be right for you—here’s why.
- 1173
The 5 Most Common Skin Types, Broken Down
We get a dermatologist’s take on everything related to skin type, from how to determine yours to finding the right skin care routine for you.
- 1462
The 7-Step Massage Your Skin Will Thank You For
Your skin deserves some extra TLC a few times a week in the form of EVE LOM’s signature seven-step lymphatic massage. Here’s how to do it.
Special Features
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The Centuries-Long History of Roses-As-Cosmetics
Inspiring poems and songs for centuries, roses have been used as beauty aids for just as long. Our writer takes a closer look at her favorite scent in the world.
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How to Find Your Perfect Foundation Match
A lot goes into finding the right foundation—even more than you might think! Cover FX’s Director of Artistry schools us in everything we need to know to find the perfect match.
- 141
Art History, Beauty Edition: Horst Rechelbacher, Founder of Aveda
From mixing shampoo in his kitchen sink to drinking his own natural hairspray to make a point, here’s the how the late Horst Rechelbacher started Aveda and helped popularize the natural beauty movement.
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The New, 68-Year-Old Face of NARS. More, Please!
The popular makeup brand is challenging cultural perceptions about beauty and age—and others are following suit. Bravo, NARS!