Y M.'s Articles Liked
- 1372
Better-Looking Skin Through Massage! How to Tone, De-Puff, and Get Glowing in Minutes
Facial massages and exercises are popular in Asia, and popping in tutorials all over the internet—and we found one that really, really works.
- 1113
DIY Lemon Beauty Recipes
Lemons are yet another one of nature's multitaskers. If you like to start your morning with a detoxifying cup of hot water, lemon juice, and honey, you’ll love these citrus-based beauty recipes.
Dermatologist Shares Her DIY Skin Care Recipes
"The Doctors" dermatologist Ava Shamban, M.D., shares her top all-natural DIY skin care recipes. Keep reading for easy at-home complexion cures—from potatoes to yogurt!
Beauty Careers
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So You Want a Career in Beauty? Part 2
You read Beautylish religiously and love everything about beauty, so what's stopping you from starting a career in your favorite industry? In part two of our series, meet even more inspiring professionals and take the quiz to find out which beauty occupation suits you best!
DIY Skin Care
- 2986
DIY Acne Spot Treatments
How do you minimize the impact of surprise acne flare ups without an impromptu (and expensive!) visit to the dermatologist? Try these three time-tested, do-it-yourself solutions and watch your blemishes vanish.
DIY Skin Care
- 1818
Four Strange Skin Care Substitutes You Have To See To Believe
Crisco as a face cream? Anti-chafing gel as primer? To test out some bizarre beauty claims from around the web, we put weird things on our faces so you don’t have to!
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Three Common Hair Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Seasoned pros taught us these little hair routine tweaks, which can go a long way toward better-looking locks.
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DIY Edible Beauty Remedies
Whether you have dry hair or need a way to get those dead skin cells off your lips, there are ingredients in your kitchen that can help! These Beauties share their homemade recipes.
DIY Skin Care
- 1466
DIY Winter Citrus Beauty Recipes
Itching for some new skin care recipes to concoct in the kitchen? Winter citrus fruits such as mandarins, limes, and grapefruit are ripe and in season right now! Learn how these sunny citrus fruits can heal your acne and reveal, fresh, glowing skin.
Taking Hair Conditioning to the Next Level
Fight dull winter hair with these superhero hair masks.