Lisa P.'s Articles Liked | Page 8
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The Ultimate Tweezer Guide
How do you achieve flawless brows? Most Beauties turn to tweezers. Keep reading to discover everything you ever wanted to know about the precision pluckers.
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4 Ways to Fight Foundation Smudges
We talk with a makeup artist to learn the tricks to keeping foundation from rubbing off everywhere.
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Would You Fill Your Wrinkles With Blood?
A cosmetic wrinkle filler that uses your own blood? Keep reading to discover why this organic injectable is the next big thing in beauty.
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Broadcast Beauty: The Makeup Tutorial as PSA
When we press play on the latest makeup tutorial or eye liner how-to, the last thing we expect is a moral at the end of the story. Yet as of late, ad agencies have tapped into the makeup medium as a way to call attention to serious public issues.
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Barbie Gets Her Biggest, Blondest Makeover Yet
MAC's got Marilyn, but we're in love with another blond.
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Is That Really True? We Investigate Common Beauty Myths
Beauty myths dictate lots of our daily beauty routines. Here, we share the inside scoop on the truth behind beauty rumors.
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The Photoshop Controversy: Does Photo Editing Alter Our Perceptions Of Beauty?
When it comes to editing pictures, is Photoshop the enemy? Or can we find peace in doctored representations of beauty by acknowledging the fantasy? Our writer investigates.
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Beauty Riot! Makeup or … Ski Mask?
The ski mask could very well be the biggest beauty breakthrough we’ve seen all year!
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How Bathroom Humor Helped Poo-Pourri Founder Suzy Batiz Find Success
Most of us avoid talking about bathroom habits. But Suzy Batiz, founder of the hit product Poo-Pourri, changed the game with a little humor and a YouTube ad that went viral.
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Beauty Mythbusters! We Investigate the Weirdest Beauty Headlines
Beauty inventions are getting weirder by the day. We take a look at what they promise, and what science debunks.